
We have decided to eliminate the ‘guesswork’ when it comes to tipping and have removed the option for it when checking out from our services. Why? Our services are priced according to our expertise, and the level of service we are going to provide to you while in our studio. When you check out from your appointment there will be no option to leave gratuity.

Mild, moderate, or severe acne; we treat it all, and without the use of harsh antibiotics, steroids, retinols, and prescriptions.

Here at On Point, we take a full body approach when working with and treating acne. Because there are such an abundance of different day-day things that can contribute to your acne, we want our client to have a full understanding of where these triggers can come from. We believe in educating our clients in all aspects of acne and not just sending them with a temporary fix. We want to make sure at the end of our acne program, they have all the tools they need to stay successful outside of our treatment room.

To get on our program we always start with an acne consultation. Wether it be virtually (if you don’t live in Colorado), or in person, this is always our first step. This is where we go over everything acne. From what it actually is, the root cause of acne and how long acne takes to form, to products to stay away from, lifestyle habits that might need to change, and food choices that can contribute to acne.

After we have thoroughly gone over that information, your Certified Acne Specialist will then get some pictures of your skin. This is to not only help us see your progress each appointment, but it also helps us determine your skin type, acne type, and the severity of your acne. Gathering all of this information helps your acne specialist build your new routine, which is non-negotiable, and is required to be on this program.

The initial investment into this program will be anywhere from $250 to $280. This will include your very in-depth consultation, as well as your first round of customized products. Moving forward I will see you either bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on the severity of your acne. These treatments range from $70 to $135. During these treatments we will perform superficial chemical peels to help encourage the healing process. We will also be performing extractions on any current acne lesions that have made their way to the surface. This is essential to the process by allowing us to rid the skin of the debris, and allow the follicle to start healing, ultimately getting us to clear skin!

This is NOT an overnight process and I do not want anyone to think that. It can take about 3-6 months to clear acne, but again, it is without the use of harsh antibiotics, steroid creams, retinols, and prescriptions that usually end up doing more harm than good when it comes to treating acne. Not to mention most of the things that are “prescribed” by a dermatologist don’t go to the root cause of acne leaving you feeling defeated and left with raw skin.

Having worked with Face Reality Skin Care for over two years; we undoubtedly stand behind their +90% success rate. The clients that are the most successful on our program are the ones who follow the guidelines that are laid out in our consultation. We can honestly say, with consistency and commitment, we can get you to the skin you’ve always wanted.


At this time Marion’s books are currently full. She is looking to bring on new, dedicated clients every few months. Please click the link below to be added to her waitlist!